Sunday, November 9, 2014


16-20 lbs. apples (I used organic Gala apples)
1 gallon water
4–5 cups brown sugar
Two cinnamon sticks
15 clove pieces
Grated lemon peel from one lemon

Wash peel and cut apples. Start by cooking down apples in giant pan on stove top with about half a gallon of water. 

 After a few hours when the water has cooked down add the rest of the water and cook another hour. Apples will start to break up and appear as applesauce. 

This is where the slow cooking really begins. Now dump the apples into a large crock pot, add sugar and spices, cook on low for 15 or more hours in crockpot. I usually do this process overnight in the crock pot so it will not burn. The next morning the apple mixture should look dark red or brown. Scoop out applesauce into the blender creating a smooth butter. Pour blended Applebutter back into crock pot and keep warm while you prepare jars. 

Follow a canning guide for preparing your Applebutter for high acid food boiling water canning processes. I use the ball bluebook guide to preserving.

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